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Various documents

This document contains nine separate documents.

  1. A flyer with the description: 25 Nov. 1987, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reflection on Maluku, Timor and Papua by Group Purnama. ‘Three Peoples - One Enemy (an a Dutch colonial past…)’ | The flyer is written in Dutch.
  2. A photograph entitled, “Osaka, Japan.” with the description: 1987. Oct: Mr. Rogue Rodrigues during a meeting in Osaka named ‘Let’s talk about East Timor with Mr. Rogue Rodrigues.’
  3. A document entitled, “Paz E Justiça Para Timor-Leste (Peace and Justice for East Timor)” Separata do No. 18 - Agosto/Novembro 1987 (Reprint No. 18 - August/November 1987) Sobre: 1. Propaganda Indonésia num semanário Portugês, 2. Programa do Governo relativo a Timor-Leste (About: 1. Indonesian advertising in a Portuguese weekly, 2. Government program related to Timor-Leste) | 17 pages, the entire document is in Portuguese.
  4. A cartoon sketch of people protesting with a sign that reads: “No arms for Suharto”, 1987.
  5. “East Timor Report” No. 12, November 1987. It includes: “Australian agencies urge enquiry,” UN Secretary-General’s new report,” “How East Timor is administered,” “Voting with your feet: elections in Timor,” “Amnesty: human rights report,” “Armes clashes continue” and “UN Decolonization Committee meets.” | 8 pages
  6. C.I.S.E.T. (Christian in Solidarity with East Timor) Newsletter, February-March 1987. It includes: “Fretilin chief seeks continues support of the church,” “Students in Jakarta,” “European Churches discuss East Timor,” and “East Timorese, Alan Bond and the Pope.” | 3 pages.
  7. A document entitled, “Timorese Prisoners Fund” and how one can support this fund. It was created by AETA. “A support fund for East Timorese prisoners in Indonesian gaols has been established by solidarity groups in Australia. 1987.
  8. A document entitled, “East Timor: a genocide ignored” created by TAPOL. It includes the history of the country. The document is a little blurry. | 2 pages.
  9. “Independence Support Group invites Former Army Platoon Commander to Speak. What did Japanese do in East Timor during the War?” it is written by Asahi Shimbun (Osaka edition), May 10th, 1987. The document is written in Japanese with an english translation that follows. | 2 pages, one in Japanese.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains twenty-one separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “ETAN’s Second National Steering Committee Meeting” 17 September 1994: The steering meeting clarified the organization’s structure, mission and objectives. It included participants from across the USA, Timor-Leste, Canada, Portugal, The UK, and The Netherlands.

  2. A photograph entitled, “Training for Lobby Days - Amnesty International Office” Washington DC, USA. Beginning in 1994, ETAN brought grassroots activists from across the USA to Washington for “Lobby Days” every year. After a weekend of training and briefings (as in the photo), experienced and new citizen advocates spread out across the halls of Congress, meeting with staffers, Representatives and Senators in between 60 and 200 of the 535 Congressional offices. Many Congressional staffers came to see this as their annual opportunity to learn about Timor-Leste, and Lobby Days usually resulted in Congressional resolutions or joint letters to U.S. and Indonesian government officials. In addition, from 1992 through 1998, Congress gradually tightened restrictions on U.S. military training and weapons sales to the Indonesian military.

  3. A photograph from 1994, Korea: Demonstration by Korea Human Rights Network in front of Indonesian Embassy. They heard of Timor from Progressio Korea local partners, and from meeting JRH at the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna in 1993.

  4. Campaign for Release of Xanana. 1994. In Japanese. | 4 pages.

  5. A photograph entitled, “Osaka, Japan” 1994: João Dias and Aviano Fana visit Japan to give testimony to the Santa Cruz Massacre and the 2nd Massacre.

  6. Two photographs. The first one is entitled, “Nagoya, Japan” 1994: Liga Ximenes and Inosensia Neves, speaking tour in Nagoya. The second is entitled, “Tokyo, Japan” 1994: Constancio Pinto at a meeting in Tokyo, appealing for support to the East Timorese asylum seekers.

  7. A photograph entitled, “Tokyo, Japan” 1994: Bishop Soma, 1st President of APCET, reports his trip to East Timor in Tokyo.

  8. A photograph entitled, “Karlsruhe, Germany” 1994: José Amorim Dias and Renato Constantino Jr. at a demonstration against the EU-ASEAN meeting because the meeting is on economic ties and does not consider Human Rights and Self-determination.

  9. A photograph entitled, “Karlsruhe, Germany” 1994: Access denied at EU-ASEAN meeting.

  10. A photograph entitled, “The Netherlands - Indonesian Embassy” Moluccan Youths living in The Netherlands express their solidarity with the Timorese students that occupied the USA Embassy in Jakarta.

  11. A page with two photographs. 1994 Sri Lanka: Police blocks demonstration from approaching the Indonesian Embassy.

  12. A page with two photographs entitled, “The Philippines - Asia Pacific Conference on East Timor” 1994: The members of the panel discussion are Jean Inglis, the late Bishop Soma of Nagoya, Japan and RC Constantino. Journalists are surrounding the foreign participants of the conference as they marched to the venue. Under Indonesian pressure the Philippines government banned the conference and did not allow foreigners to attend.

  13. Two newspaper articles. Manila, The Philippines, 1994: Newspaper clippings about Sri Lankan activists Freddy Gamage Abuhamy and Henry Fernando Warnakulasurys who were denied twice to access The Philippines to attend the Asia-Pacific Conference on East Timor.

  14. A photograph entitled, “Paris, France” December 1994: Dozens of people march in support of people who live at risk due to oppression. The demonstration aimed East Timor, Papua, Amazone Region and Mapuche People. Many organizations participated, such as: Agir pour Timor, Survival, Amnesty International, Tribal Act, Lycra and others.

  15. A poem entitled, “Two Hundred Thousand Reasons” written by Purnama in Utrecht 1994.

  16. A document entitled, “International protest during the APEC - November 1994” | 3 pages.

  17. A flyer entitled, “East Timor, Its future in the Asia Pacific” for a Public education conference at the University of Technology, Harris St.Ultimo. June 21 - 24 1994.

  18. A pamphlet about East Timor entirely in Japanese. | 2 pages.

  19. A booklet entitled, “Travesty of Justice” by East Timor’s Political Prisoners. Published by Australia-East Timor Association. | 10 pages. It contains:

    • The prisoners - The proposal for talks
    • Imprisoned in Semarang - East Timor at a glance
    • Imprisoned in Kupang - Prison conditions
    • Jailed in Jakarta
    • What can you do
  20. A document entitled, “An Abiding Concern: why Gough must come clean on East Timor” | 2 pages.

  21. A document entitled, “East Timor: It’s time to talk” British Coalition for East Timor, February 1994.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

The document contains twelve separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “Sequence of demonstrations, Bastille, Paris, France” 8 September 1999: Starting on the day that the result of the referendum was announced, “Agir pour Timor” organized daily meetings and marches in front of the Indonesian Embassy and other strategic locations in Paris City. They demanded recognition of the results, the departure of Indonesian military and international intervention. France is a permanent member of the Security Council so the French solidarity activists emphasized that the country must act according to its responsibilities.

  2. Another photograph entitled, “Sequence of demonstrations, Bastille, Paris, France” with the same description as above.

  3. A photograph entitled, “Darwin, Australia” 11 September 1999: Demonstrators in Darwin calling for UN Peacekeepers to be deployed to Dili, one of many demonstrators all over the world.

  4. Two photographs of protests and candle vigil in front of the Indonesian Embassy in Hong Kong against earth search policy of Indonesian military regime, 3 & 13 September 1999. | two pages

  5. “An Open Letter to the Residents of Chappaqua” written by the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) and the East Timor Action Network (ETAN) September 29, 1999.

  6. Two photographs of protesters with signs that read, “Stop the bloodbath in East Timor - Disarm the Pro-Jakarta terror” and “Disarm Militia in Timor - We want Free and Fair election” from the Friends of the Third World. 1999.

  7. Two photographs of protesters in Sri Lanka, 1999.

  8. A photograph entitled, “Oct. 1999, near Aileu” Robert Wesley Smith helps rescuing a militia victim.

  9. Communique de Presse: “Pour l’intervention d’une force de paix internationale au Timor Oriental” 9 September 1999. | French

  10. Press Release from CIIR: “Immediate repatriation of the East Timorese is called for by the 10th Christian Consultation on East Timor” 11 October 1999.

  11. East Timor Action Network - 1999 Annual Report | 4 pages

  12. “Women’s Agenda in East Timor - An Activity Report: 1989-1999” by Kiyko Furusawa, Senior Lecturer in Development and Human Rights, Keisen University. | 3 pages

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains seven separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, Japan, with the description: 1985, Feb: Mr. Ramos-Horta in Solidarity Meeting for Independent East Timor: “We denounce Conspiracy between Indonesia and Japan.” Mr Ramos-Horta is in front of the meeting.
  2. A photograph entitled, “Jose Ramos Horta at his first visit to Japan, 1985” with the description, “JRH speaks at a public meeting in Kure city, Hiroshima. The Kure YWCA group is the first East Timor solidarity group in Japan.” He is sitting a with a women and a man with a guitar.
  3. A flyer for the AETA Public Meeting on Sunday October 6th, with Emilia Pires and Kevin Sullivan as guest speakers. 1985.
  4. A pamphlet about East Timor which includes, “Chronology of events in East Timor,” “East Timor,” “The Land,” “The people.” 1985. | 2 pages.
  5. Timor Link published January 1985, No.1. It contains East Timor since the invasion, Letters from Timor, UN postpones discussion on East Timor, Portugal’s crucial role, International church concern, source material.
  6. AETA Newsletter published for May - June/July - August 1985, Vol. 19, No. 3. It contains “An Act of Cowardice”- Horta, AETA AGM, Anniversaries, Timorese women at Nairobi forum, Our leaders, Radio messages from Fretilin, ACTU Congress supports Timor unanimously. | 4 pages.
  7. AETA Newsletter published for Sept - Oct/ Nov - Dec 1985. It contains Canada Tour, Pacific Report, Fitzroy rock, Radio message from Fretilin, ‘our deepest gratitude…,’ Add your voice to this appeal now!, “Peace in East Timor,” Manila Default, Mochtar to visit. | 4 pages.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains four separate documents.

  1. Flyer entitled, “Calling for European Solidarity” in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The description is: 14 June 1986: Invitation to a meeting about strategies to involve more European countries in solidarity activities for East Timor. Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Organisation of the meeting: XminY Solidarity Fund. Human Rights Organization “Komitee Indonesia” and the Dutch Pacifist Socialist Party. | The flyer is in Dutch.
  2. A page with two photographs attached. The first entitled, “Osaka, Japan” with the description, 1986. Oct: Bishop Lopes, Ms. Mimi Fereira & Mr. Satsukki Eda at a rally in Osaka. Mr.Eda is the founder of the Diet Members’ Forum on East Timor. The second photograph is also entitled, “Osaka, Japan” with the description: 1986. Oct: Bishop Martinho da Costa Lopes speaks about East Timor and creates a great sensation among the citizens. Many solidarity groups were formed.
  3. Leaflet entitled, “East Timor and the 1986 ALP National Conference - Putting the Timorese first.” The headline says that: “This leaflet proposes modest changes to existing Party policy which reaffirm the primacy of the East Timorese views in any actions or decisions concerned with their future.” The subtitles within the leaflet are: “ACTU”, “Amnesty International”, “1984 resolution”, “proposed 1986 resolution”, “Concern Continues: UN Secretary-General, Pacific Trade Union Forum, US Congress, Indonesian Press, Portugal,” “Why changes are needed— and why”, “Conflict continues,” “East Timor: the military situation.” The leaflet was published by ACFOA Human Rights Sub-Committee. | 6 pages
  4. “East Timor update, November 1986” It discusses 1. United Nations, 2. Internal situation, 3. Parliamentarians refused access to East Timor, 4. European parliament takes strong stand, 5. The Churches, and 6. New Book on East Timor. This document was prepared by the Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA) | 6 pages

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains four separate documents.

  1. A document with two photographs attached. It is entitled, “East Timor Speaking Tour in Japan 1986-2000 - Notorious for its hard schedule!” The photo above features José Gusmao and Kiyoko Furusawe. The photo the the right features José Guterres. The description is: José Gusmao, a Fretilin activist in Darwin, and José Guterres, another Fretilin activist in Lisbon, visited Japan for a speaking tour in 1988. They visited many cities and tours, spoke more than 20 times in a month. Japan’s annual ‘East Timor Speaking Tour’ started in 1986 with Mgr. Lopes and Mime Ferreira, and continued until 2000.
  2. “Simultaneous Activities, Leiden and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.” With the description: 25 November 1988: Pamphlets for two solidarity activities taking place at the same day. In Leiden City an information and scission event about the Right for Self Determinationand Independence. The same day in Amsterdam a solidarity fundraising party with live music. East Timorese Abilio Araujo (Fretelin) and Moses da Costa Amaral (UDT) attended both events as special guests speakers. Both events were organized by the Human Rights organization “Komitee Indonesia,” The Netherlands.
  3. AETA Newsletter, Vol. 13, No. 3, December 1988. It includes: “Timor Gap Pirates divide the spoils,” “Worldwide Timor MP’s group formed,” “International Update: Portugal toughens its stand & Fretilin-UDT convergence strengthens Timorese presence at United Nations,” “Inside East Timor: Red Berets are main human rights violators,” “AETA News and Notes: Fretilin Leader in Australia & December 7th, 1988.” | 4 pages
  4. A three page pamphlet completely in Japanese about East Timor | 3 pages. In Japanese.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains four separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “Tokyo, Japan” with the description: 1990: Mr. James Dunn from Australia and Mr. Agio Pereira from East Timor at a meeting in Tokyo.
  2. A letter to the World Bank on Family Panning (KB) in East Timor from Kiyoko Furusawa (? the document is extremely blurry) April 19th, 1990 | 8 pages
  3. A pamphlet written entirely in Japanese, 1990. | 2 pages in Japanese.
  4. A poster entitled, “Timor Leste, un peuple oublié, a forgotten people” which goes over the history of the tragedies and it was created by the National Teacher’s Federation in Portugal. | 3 pages.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains nine separate pages.

  1. “The Missing Peace - East Timor” Photographic Exhibition 1974-1990. October 30 to November 10, 1991. Photos that were taken by Elaine Briere, Mel Sylvester and Jenny Groves.

  2. “La paix est possible au Timor-Oriental” No.37 - Mai 1991. | in french

  3. A flyer from January 26, 1991: “Let them speak” fundraising event organized by ACFOA / ETO. East Timor Benefit Concert & Auction.

  4. A photograph from a demonstration in Kobe, 1991. Banner says, ‘Freedom and Independence for East Timor’

  5. A page with two photographs. The first is entitled, “Tokyo, Japan” 1991, Nov: Mr. Donasiano Gomes at the demonstration near the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo to protest the Santa Cruz Massacre. The second is entitled, “Tokyo, Japan” 1991, Nov: Demonstration towards the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo to protest the Santa Cruz Massacre.

  6. A photograph from November 1991 - Indonesian Embassy - The Hague, The Netherlands.

  7. A photograph from November 1991 - Indonesian Embassy - The Hague, The Netherlands.

  8. A photograph of the Indonesian Consulate - Australia.

  9. A flyer from Australia in 1991. Solidarity Campaign ACFOA - ETO post card (photocopy of front and back), Original card is blue.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains thirty-seven separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “Picketline tegen bezoek Indonesische generaal” [Translation: Picketline against visit Indonesian general] | In Dutch

  2. A newspaper article from Den Haag, The Netherlands - Government Building. January 1995: Endie amidst Maluku activists awaiting General Feisal Tanjung, who visits The Netherlands to discuss military ties. The general remained invisible.

  3. A photograph of Balloon action, International Court of Justice, The Netherlands - Timor Gap - 1995.

  4. A photograph of Timor Gap Balloon Action - International Court of Justice, The Netherlands. 30 January 1995: Start of the public hearing in the case of Australian oil explorations in the Timor Gap. Activists use gas balloons to fly a banner and hundreds of leaflets at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Since the Indonesian deal with Australia in 1990, the oil in the Timor Gap attracted nine of the world’s largest oil companies. The total investments at this stage amount up to over 250 million dollar. Oil multinationals, Australia and Indonesia exploit this oil over the backs of the Timorese People. With our balloon action we relate to a balloon action in Jakarta on 21 September 1994, when four activists have been arrested and tortured with electric shocks. With hundreds of gas balloons we state that we: 1) Support Human Rights activists in Indonesia and East Timor 2) Protest against the theft of the natural treasures of occupied East Timor. | 2 pages.

  5. A postcard that reads, Please release Jose Antonio Belo and fifteen other students detained after a peaceful demonstration in Dili, East Timor on 9 January 1995. Created by AETA in Australia, 1995.

  6. A photograph of Mid 90’s Australia - Fatinha Pires at a demonstration in Darwin.

  7. A photograph entitled, “Hannover, Germany” 1995: Demonstration during a visit of Suharto to Hannover. A mass demonstration was held and solidarity activists came from many European countries: France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, Uk, and others, to protest together in Germany against the brutal Suharto regime. Not only Europeans participated, also Indonesians, Moluccans, Timorese, Papuans and Achehnese living in Europe joined the demonstration. Organized by Watch! Indonesia.

  8. Two photographs taken in Hannover, Germany at a Demonstration against Suharto Regime during visit of Suharto + Alatas to Germany. 1995.

  9. Two photographs taken at a demonstration against Suharto Regime during visit of Suharto + Alatas to Germany. 1995.

  10. A photograph of a sign from a protest, “Stop Genocide in West Papua” in Hannover, 1995.

  11. A photograph of Ali Alatas losing his diplomacy in Dresden, Germany. 5 April 1995: President Suharto, Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas and other VIPs visited the city Dresden in Germany for several events. They also planned to see an opera performance, but the opera refused. During their visit, there were demonstrations everywhere they came. Finally, when they traveled to a formal dinner with the State President, their VIP bus was surrounded by protesters: Alatas lost his diplomatic reserve. This picture has been used many years, on a variety of posters and leaflets made by many groups, in many countries. Some examples of poster tests used with this picture are: “Is this man Indonesia’s next president?” & “Ali Alatas: Human Rights, up my ass!” | 2 pages.

  12. A poster for a Grand Solidarity Manifestation for Maluku, Timor and Papua in The Netherlands, 1995.

  13. A photograph of Joao Dias and his interpreter Endie van Binsbergen speak at the Pasar Maling in Utrecht. The Passer Maling was a manifestation in Utrecht, Netherlands. It brought together over 60 Maluku, Papua and Indonesia activist groups. They had always been scattered but the Pasar Maling made the big change. A full-day program in the pouring rain from political speeches to food sellers to cultural dance groups and a rock band playing traditional songs from Maluku new style. Special speaker at the Passer Maling was Joao Dias, eye witness of the killings at Dili hospital after the Santa Cruz massacre.

  14. A photograph of a Papua dance group Sampari participated at the Pasar Maling in Utrecht.

  15. Two photographs of Maluku youths play the music for Timorese songs of freedom at the Pasar Maling in Utrecht.

  16. A photograph of the Pasar Maling in Utrecht drew lots of media attention. 1995.

  17. A newspaper article entitled, “System Indonesia leads to its own downfall” Article about the warm atmosphere of solidarity despite the rain during the manifestation. Quoting Viktor Kaisiepo (Papua), Jose Amorim Dias (East Timor) and Nico Souissa (Maluku). June 19th, 1995. | Dutch

  18. Two photographs at The Pasar Maling - Media Attention. 1995.

  19. A photograph of Yayak. Indonesian exile in Germany presents one of his many political banners. 1995.

  20. Two photographs. The first is entitled, “Osaka, Japan” August 1995: Andrew McNaughtan, Veronica Maia, Antonio Mais and Isilio da Silva at a conference on war compensation.The second is entitled, “Osaka, Japan” November 1995: Ramos-Horta, Maria Albertina and Domingos Sarmento at the conference that was held before the demonstration at the time of the APEC.

  21. A photograph entitled, “The Fourth UN World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995.” East Timorese women at an action in Beijing.

  22. A photograph entitled, “The Fourth UN World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995” Ines Almeida, Ceu Brites, Milena Pires, Neca, Kiyoko Furusawa and Portuguese NGO delegates in solidarity.

  23. A photograph taken in Bonn, Germany. 1995: Joao Antonio Dias, Aviano Faria and Domingos Samento Alves in front of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation, where they discussed the situation in East Timor.

  24. A photograph taken in Cologne, Germany. 1995: Domingos Samento Alves, Aviano Faria and Joao Antonio Dias at the office of a main national newspaper in Germany, together with activist Monika Schlinder (Watch! Indonesia)

  25. A photograph in New York, USA: protest welcome for Suharto in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. 25 October 1995.

  26. A letter from Bono from the band U2 to the good people of East Timor.

  27. A photograph taken in Darwin, Australia. 1995: Re-enactment of Roger East’s death (AFFET / ETSE)

  28. A photograph of a Silent torch wake in front of the Parliament building in The Netherlands. 7 December 1995: A silent wake with burning torches at the Dutch Parliament in The Hague expresses the tragedy of the 20th birthday of the Indonesian invasion. Timorese, Moluccan, Papuan, Indonesian and Dutch activists stand in silence and demand a statement from the Dutch government. Organized by the Human Right organization “Komitee Indonesia.” An Indonesian activist carries a board that states: “Human Rights are still violated in Indonesia — But now they do it themselves.”

  29. A photograph entitled, “Solidarity in The Netherlands for the 55 East Timorese students who occupied the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta” December 1995: Activists in The Netherlands occupy the D’66 Party Office, the Parliament, the Department of Foreign Affairs and protest in front of the Indonesian Embassy. The activists include Papuans, Moluccans, East Timorese and Dutch and use handcuffs to lock themselves to objects so that the police cannot evict them. They sent the keys of the handcuffs to journalists so that the police had to contact the journalists and cooperate with the media.

  30. A newspaper article entitled, “Van Mierlo responsible for chaos” Occupied regional party office of D’66 in The Hague. The protest was against the arrest of several East Timorese in Jakarta. | Dutch.

  31. A newspaper article entitled, “Action East Timorese at Parliament” Members of action committee ‘Renetil’ chained themselves to a pillar. 13 December 1995 on the Front Page.

  32. A newspaper article entitled, “Rental action at parliament in The Netherlands” Solidarity with the 55 East Timorese who occupied the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta. 13 December 1995. | Dutch.

  33. A photograph of protesters in The Netherlands. 1995.

  34. A newspaper article entitled, “Hoe Zit Dat Nou Met Die Oost timorezen?” [Translation: What about these East Timorese] December 1995. | Dutch.

  35. A pamphlet. “Campaign on tourism in Indonesia” The green leaflet was secretly mixed with general travel info at tour operatos’ stands. It describes dozens of reasons for not enjoying your vacation in a land under Suharto’s regime. 1995, The Netherlands. “Travel Safe -Keep your eyes closed.” | 4 pages, in Dutch.

  36. A photograph of Renetil Representative in Germany. 1995.

  37. A page of photographs of a press conference for Jose Ramos-Horta at public sector union offices, Haymarket, Sydney, after announcement of Nobel Peace Prize with Bishop Belo (late 1995)

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document includes twenty-six separate documents.

  1. Campaign material by FOET (Friends of East Timor after the Nobel Peace Prize had been presented to Bishops Belo and Jose Ramos-Horta. Cannington, Australia. 1996. The flyer reads, “East Timor Calls for freedom after the Dili Massacre killings continue to this day” It has a photo of a man who was one of 471 men, women and children gunned down and beaten to death during a peaceful protest at the Santa Cruz cemetery and on the days that followed the 12 November 1991.

  2. A photograph at the Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. ETAN grassroots lobbyists together with Senator Russell Feingold, who stands at the right (red tie), during Lobby Days. In November 1992, Senator Russell Feingold took over from the powerful Republican Senator Robert Kasten who strongly defended USA military support for ABRI. Senator Feingold felt that part of his victory was because of Timor-Leste, and he became a strong and consistent supporter of Timor-Leste in Washington.

  3. A photograph of Bishop Nobuo Soma, Chairperson of APCET, was deported by the Malaysian government because of his attendance in the APCET II, Nov. 14, 1996. Photo at the time of his. arrival in Kanaai International Airport in Osaka, Japan.

  4. A photograph of students reflection on East Timor at University Paris 7, France. Reflection on the situation in East Timor, by French and Timorese students at the Science Faculty. 1996.

  5. Two photographs from Sri Lanka in 1996. Both photos include protesters to free East Timor.

  6. Three photographs from Sri Lanka of the protesters who are out in the rain but continue their protest. 1996.

  7. A photograph of Sri Lankan activist Freddy Gamage Abuhamy joining a discussion in Sydney. 1996.

  8. A photograph of Freddy Gamage Abuhamy in Sydney. 1996.

  9. Two photographs from a short story book launch in Sri Lanka with Freddy Gamage and José Ramos Horta. The second photo is of the two men hugging.

  10. A flyer entitled, “Manifestatie Oost Timor” on December 10th, in front of the Indonesian Embassy. 1996. | The flyer is in Dutch.

  11. A page with four photographs. Nobel Peace Prize Manifestation, Indonesian Embassy, The Netherlands. Manifestation in front of the Indonesian Embassy to celebrate the Nobel Peace Prize for Bishop Belo and Jose Ramos-Horta. Speakers: Yvette Lawson (Komitee Indonesia and Jose Amorim Dias | 2 pages

  12. A photograph of Jacinto dos Santos who is giving a talk on torture by Indonesian military in Osaka, Japan. 1996.

  13. Two photographs. The first is of Ceu Federer at a peace rally in Hiroshima, at the anniversary of the Atomic Bombing. Hiroshima, Japan 1996. The second us of Odidlia Victor speaks in Osaka about her clandestine activities.

  14. A photograph of Doctor Andres McNaughtan during detention in Malaysia, following closure of International Solidarity Conference with People of East Timor.

  15. “Conference on East Timor Attacked” by Max Lane, Green Left Weekly. November 1996. | 2 pages.

  16. “Press release on Conference on East Timor in Kuala Lumpur” authorized by Dr. Sanusi Osman, official conference spokesperson, 9 November 1996. | 2 pages.

  17. A newspaper article entitled, “You broke the rules, PM tells detainees” which is about the APCET - Conference and expulsions from Malaysia. November 1996.

  18. “Exiled Timorese Leader to Speak on ‘Oil, Invasion and Genocide’” May 7th, 1996.

  19. Newspaper article published in The Netherlands entitled, “No Arms to Indonesia!” | in Dutch.

  20. A fold up document entitled, “Pelosi direitos do Povo de Timor” [Translation: For the rights of the people of East Timor] It gives the history of East Timor and with their conflicts with Indonesia. | 5 pages and entirely in Portuguese.

  21. A flyer for a March for a Free East Timor created by the Friends of East Timor on November 10th, 1996.

  22. A flyer published in Australia in regards to their election and to vote for candidates such as the Greens, Australian Democrats, and those Independents and Individuals from other political parties who support genuine self determination for East Timor - a United Nations supervised referendum. 1996.

  23. “Violence against women in East Timor under the Indonesian Occupation and Suggested Measures to be Taken” Petition to the United Nations Special Committee of 24 by the Free East Timor Japan Coalition. July 23, 1996. Petition prepared by Kiyoko Furusawa and Jean Inglis and presented by Susan Einbinder. | 8 pages.

  24. “Tuba-rai metin - Firmly Gripping the Earth” at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. A multi-media installation which memorializes those who have died in the recent history of East Timor. Tuba-rai metin combines Timorese performance with weaving, architecture and contemporary sculpture. 7 - 24 November 1996. | 2 pages.

  25. British Coalition for East Timor: “BCET supporters gather in Coventry” April 1996.

  26. “East Timor: Its future in the Asia Pacific public education Conference” June 21-24, 1996. Sydney, Australia.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains twelve separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “Collective Demonstration - Paris, France” April 1999: We see Antonio Dias (Senior activist for Timor) with his wife Jo in the middle. At the right we see Anne Tréhondart (now head of Triangle, the main French NGO active in East Timor)

  2. A photograph entitled, “Collective Demonstration - Paris, France” April 1999: Ten years after the massacre at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, dozens of solidarity people march in Paris to ask attention for Democracy and Human Rights in Asian Countries, such as: China, Tibet, Burma, Indonesia and East Timor.

  3. East Timor Action Network / San Francisco: “To Resist is to Win” Statements by Xanana Gusmao, Leader of the East Timorese Resistance. 1998. | 15 pages.

  4. A booklet entitled, “Kampanye Justisa Ba Timor Lorosa’e - Livrinho Atu Fo Hatene” [Translation: In Kampang, Justice or Timor-Leste - it would be Liverinho] | 7 pages, in Bengali

  5. A page with three photographs entitled, “Rally with speakers - Stockholm, Sweden” 24 April 1999: Rally in front of the Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm. Organized by the Swedish East Timor Committee and members of the Movement for a free Acheh (GAM). Main speaker was Mrs. Eva Zetterberg, at that time MP for the left.

  6. A photograph entitled, “Demonstration and media - Indonesia Consulate, New York” 17 July 1999: Journalist Allan Nairn addresses one of many demonstrations held across the street from the Indonesian Consulate in New York City.

  7. A photograph from across the UN in New York City in August 1999.

  8. A photograph entitled, “(Before referendum) Chicago” 1999: ETAN chapters across the United States joined in the effort. This sign was carried on a bicycle pulled trailer through Chicago.

  9. A photograph entitled, “(before referendum) Across from the UN, New York City, USA) August 1999: As the referendum approached, people around the world mobilized to support a free, fair and peaceful vote. This banner was displayed at the “Isaiah Wall” directly across the street from the UN Secretariat.

  10. A photograph of a sign that reads, Indon Military is a fraud of referendum in East Timor. The photograph was taken by Robert Wesley-Smith. 1998.

  11. East Timor Correspondence (1982-2000), entirely in Japanese. | 3 pages.

  12. East Timor Human Rights Centre: “Human Rights in East Timor: Indonesia Defies UN & the International Community” The bi-annual report of human rights violations in East Timor - January to June 1999. August 13,1999. The table of contents include: Glossary of terms, ETHRC Mission & Methodology, Executive Summary, Introduction, Recommendations, Human Rights Violations. | 17 pages.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

The item contains:

  • Letter to De Groene Amsterdammer from Arnold Kohen (12.11.1980) Subj.: UN votes on Timor; New York Conference; US developments | 6 pp.
  • U.S. Statement on East Timor Fourth Committee, October 30, 1980, | 2 pp.
  • Statement delivered to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on East Timor. Delivered by Benedict R. O’G. Anderson, Professor of Government & Asian Studies, Cornell University (20.10.1980) | 13 pp.
  • Statement on East Timor delivered to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly presented by James Dunn (20.10.1980) | 7 pp.
  • Statement on behalf of Amnesty International to the Fourth Committee of the Thirty-Fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly in Connection with the question of East Timor (20.10.1980) | 3 pp.
  • Statement by Ambassador Sergio Corréa da Costa, permanent representative of Brazil, to the IV Committee on item 85 - Question of East Timor (22.10.1980) | 4 pp.
  • Statement on East Timor to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations presented by Elizabeth Traube of Wesleyan University (17.10.1980) | 7 pp.
  • Statement on East Timor to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations presented by Jill Jolliffe, Anti-Slavery for the Protection of Human Rights (20.10.1980) | 14 pp.
  • Communiqué of the Council of Ministers on the Question of East Timor (12.09.1980) | 5 pp.
  • Statement by H. E. Ambassador Vasco Futscher Perreira, permanent representative of Portugal in the 4th Committee on the Question of East Timor (17.10.1980) | 9 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen (31.10.1980)
  • Statement by Mr. M. Alkatiri, Fretilin’s Central Committee Secretary for External Relations, delivered before the 4th Committee of the General Assembly, 35th Session (10/1980) | 13 pp.
  • Statement delivered to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly by Admiral Gene R. La Rocque, U.s. Navy (Ret.) Director, Center for Defense Information (20.10.1980) | 10 pp.
  • Petition on East Timor presented to the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations by Roger S. Clark, Professor of Law at Rutgers University on behalf of the International League for Human Rights (14.10.1980) | 5 pp.
  • Statement delivered to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly delivered by Movimento Nacional Para A Libertaçāo E Independencia de Timor - Dili (17.10.1980) | 14 pp.
  • Statement delivered by the UDT (Uniño Democrática Timorenso) to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (10.1980) | 11 pp.
  • Speech delivered by Mr. Abílio Araùjo, Member of the Fretilin Central Committee and of the Government of the Democratic Republic of East Timor at the Congress on East Timor, held in Amsterdam, Holland, on September 27 and 28 1980 | 5 pp.
  • Three page speech (1980)
  • National Strategy Day, October 19, 1980 at the U.N. Church Center : The Schedule
  • Letter to Chairman of the Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Mr. Jim Scott, Yale University from Husein Joesoef, Minister Counselor (31.12.1980) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Professor Richard Falk, Center for International Studies, Princeton University from Arnold Kohen (19.05.1980)
  • Handwritten letter from Don Luce, Asian Center (25.09.1980)
  • Letter to the East Timor Working Group from Holly (25.01.1980) Subj.: Current Activities | 2 pp.
  • Minutes of Dec. 17, 1980 meeting on East Timor

The Humanitarian Project

Various documents

Various documents that include memorandums, letters and documents written in 1988.

This file includes:

  • Letter to Columbia Journalism Review, Columbia University from Joseph Lelyveld, The
    New York Times, (27.09.1988)
  • Letter to Professor Edward Herman from Steven Gold (1988)
  • Letters to the editor: How about a little down-home glasnost? By Ralph Nader and Steven
    Gold (1988) The Issue | 5 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Jean de Courten, Delegate General for Asia and the Pacific
    (01.12.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Raymond T. Bonner from Arnold Kohen (08.01.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Mr. Keith B. Richburg, Southeast Asia Correspondent (The Washington Post)
    from Arnold Kohen (17.02.1988) | 5 pp.
  • Letter to Mark Raper, Jesuit Refugee Service, from Arnold Kohen (22.12.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Tony Hall News: 182 House Members tell Shultz concern over East Timor Conflict
    (30.10.1988) | 4 pp.
  • Letter to Senator Levin from J. Edward Fox, Assistant Secretary Legislative Affairs,
    (1988) | 3 pp.
  • Letter to the Hon. Tony Hall from Abdul Rachman Ramly, Ambassador, (14.11.1988) | 3
  • Department of State - Incoming Telegram from the Embassy of Jakarta to Washington,
    DC (1986) | 9 pp.
  • Tragedy in East Timor from the Congress of the United States (19.09.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Randy Scheunemann from Arnold Kohen with an enclosed draft (1988) | 5 pp.
  • Tourism in East Timor? It’s News to Governor (25.03.1988) The Asian Wall Street
  • Letter to Tony Hall from J. Edward Fox, Assistant Secretary Legislative Affairs, (1988) |
    2 pp.
  • “Draft Hall Dear Colleague” (1988)
  • Letter to Mr. Frank Sieverts, Senate Foreign Relations Committee from Arnold Kohen
  • “Nearly Half of Congress Signs East Timor Letters” (30.10.1988)
  • Departure Statement United States Congressional Delegation led by Republican Leader
    Senator Robert J. Dole (21.11.1988) | 3 pp.
  • Letter to a colleague from Dave Durenberger & Carl Levin (15.09.1988)
  • Congressional Record - February 23rd, 1988 | 2 pp.
  • Congressional Record - March 1st, 1988 | 2 pp.
  • Congressional Record - February 3rd, 1988 | 2 pp.
  • Congressional Record - February 4th, 1988 | 3 pp.
  • Letter to the Hon. George P. Shultz, Secretary of State from Tony Hall and Dave
    Durenberger (01.07.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Ambassador Robert T. Hennemeyer from Richard L. Wilson (09.12.1988)
    attached are lists of Co-signers of Hall East Timor Letter as of Oct. 7, 1988, and as of
    Oct. 14, 1988
  • Draft Senate Letter to Secretary of State Shultz (1988)
  • “Durenberger leads 47 Senators in call on U.S. to address HUman Rights problems, help
    end conflict in East Timor” (Embargoed for Sunday, October 30, 1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Adele Liskov from Arnold Kohen (late 1988) Subj.: The East Timor Problem -
    An Overview
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Tony Hall (15.11.1988)
  • Handwritten note from Robert L. Bernstein to Arnold Kohen (1988-89)
  • A statement that was written by Arnold Kohen (late 1988) Subj.: East Timor | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Robert McClean, Director: Department of Peace and World
    Order (United Methodist Office for the United Nations) (11.11.1988)
  • Memorandum to Eric Schwartz from Arnold Kohen (1988) Subj.: Problems arising from
    the Nov. 21, 1988 New York Times report on Asia Watch Indonesia-East Timor Report. |
    2 pp.
  • “Draft Hall letter to Shultz” written by Hall (1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to the Hon. George Shultz, Secretary of State, from forty-seven Members of
    Congress (28.10.1988) | 5 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Jack Panozzo, Development and Peace, (10.03.1988)
  • Letter to George P. Shultz, Secretary of State, from 182 Members of Congress
    (31.10.1988) | 11 pp.
  • Dave Durenberger news: “Durenberger leads effort on Human Rights in East Timor - 47
    Senators sign letter to Secretary of State Shultz” (20.10.1988) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Msgr. Martinho Lopes from Xanana Gusmao (10.03.1988) | 9 pp. Completely in

The Humanitarian Project

Various documents

Contains various documents such as letters, emails and press releases that were written or published in 1993.

The first page of the item has a list of every item included in the attachment.

The Humanitarian Project

Various documents

This document contains three separate documents.

  1. A Photograph entitled “Revolução dos cravos” with two soldiers featured.
  2. Newspaper article published in República entitled “As Forças Armadas tomaram o poder” (25/04/1974) | Portuguese
  3. A photograph of East Timorese citizens protesting for liberty and independence with two signs advocating for liberty

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains six separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled “Australia” with the description, “1976 Stanislau da Silva and an Australian supporter operating the clandestine radio link between Australia and Fretilin forces in East Timor” Courtesy of the da Silva family.
  2. Two photographs. The first entitled “Moluccan hunger strike (Amsterdam, Netherlands)” with the description, “12 August 1976 Moluccans in The Netherlands on hunger strike in front of the church Westerkerk in Amsterdam to draw attention to the situation in East Timor. The activists are organized under the name Vrje Zuid-Molukse Jongeren (Free South Moluccan Youths) in Lunteren-Ede, The Netherlands. Photographer: Croes. The second is entitled “Moluccan hunger strike (Amsterdam, Netherlands)” with the description, “the activists had posted pictures of Mari Alkadiri, Nicolau Lobarto and Rosa Muki Bonaparte.
  3. Newspaper article entitled “Four men facing firearms export charges” published in The News. September 17, 1976.
  4. A page of six photographs taken in Australia in 1976. Two are graffiti on walls that say ‘Viva FRETILIN’ & ‘Independence for East Timor’. The other four are of various people photographed. The photos are a little blurry.
  5. Another page of six photographs taken in Australia in 1976. The photos are all taken on the streets in some kind of protest or stand off.
  6. Document entitled, “The Timor Story” by Helen Hill with the header, ‘Demand a public inquiry into the deaths of the six Australian Newsmen!’ 1976 | 2 pages.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various documents

This document contains seven separate documents.

  1. A flyer created in Amsterdam, The Netherlands entitled, “Oost-Timor schreeuwt Nederland Medeplichtig!” June 3rd, 1980.
  2. A flyer created in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from the “Not a cent for Suharto (1980) Campaign against the IGGI”
  3. A sticker entitled, “East Timor, Stop the war next door” It has the East Timor flag on it. (1980)
  4. A flyer from the International East Timor Conference in Amsterdam on November 27th, 1980.
  5. A photograph of the East Timorese flag but redone to replace the red with soldiers and underneath it says, “East Timor: Australia’s shame”. (1980
  6. Newspaper article from the East Timor News (No.67) entitled, “More military aid” published on July 3rd, 1980.
  7. Newspaper article from the East Timor News (No.67) entitled, “Timorese will die fighting” on July 3rd,1980.

Timor Leste International Solidarity Exhibit

Various Clippings

Item consists of nineteen articles and one political cartoon related to East Timor from various press outlets.

  1. [Political cartoon, untitled]
  2. Indonesian-U.S. Ties: The View From Jakarta (The Wall Street Journal)
  3. Of Pain and Persistence: A Letter from East Timor (The Asian Wall Street Journal)
  4. Church Official Asks Reagan to Speak of East Timor to Indonesia (National Catholic News Service)
  5. Why Suharto's control is vital to region (Financial Times)
  6. Indonesia Bars 2 Journalists on White House Press Plane Over Suharto-Marcos Comparisons (Los Angeles Times)
  7. Le president Reagan n'entend pas insister sur la question des droits de l'homme (Le Monde)
  8. Bali ousters unlikely to upset talks (Times-Union)
  9. Wind of freedom blows cool in Indonesia (Daily Telegraph)
  10. Concern For East Timor (The Post-Standard)
  11. Congress should offer stick to use against Indonesia (Dayton Daily News)
  12. Message to Suharto (The National Review)
  13. East Timor Ten Years Later (America)
  14. Reagan's rocky road to Bali -- and beyond (U.S. News & World Report)
  15. Reagan Visiting At Difficult Time For Indonesian Chief (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
  16. U.S. Protests Expulsion of Australian Reporters (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
  17. A Breezy Theme: On the Road to Tokyo, Reagan hails the "winds of freedom" blowing in Asia (Time; 2 pp.)
  18. Indonesia's Delicate Balance (Time)
  19. Recession Fears at the Summit: Reagan presses two key allies to go for growth (Newsweek)

East Timor Human Rights Committee

Various AMRT Collections

Santa Cruz Massacre material in various collections ('Fundos') held by AMRT - including items originally owned by: Konis Santana, Sabalae, Jose Ramos-Horta, Barbedo de Magalhães, Fundação Mário Soares, Carlos Lopes, Pascoela Barreto. Several audio interviews recorded for the USAid-funded Tuba Rai Metin radio program are also included in this set.

USA Today

Item consists of three articles from USA Today in 1986 relating to East Timor.

  1. Media flap follows Reagan to Bali
  2. Suharto action seen as typical
  3. Something was Missing

East Timor Human Rights Committee

Results 101 to 120 of 1905