Santa Cruz massacre




Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

Santa Cruz massacre

Terme générique Mass killings

Santa Cruz massacre

Termes équivalents

Santa Cruz massacre

Termes associés

Santa Cruz massacre

183 Description archivistique résultats pour Santa Cruz massacre

183 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Various documents

The document contains thirteen separate documents.

  1. A photograph entitled, “Canada” 1992, Actions for East Timor (Collection: Maggie Helwig)

  2. A photograph entitled, “Canada” 1992, Actions for East Timor (Collection: Maggie Helwig)

  3. A photograph entitled, “Canada” 1992, Actions for East Timor (Collection: Maggie Helwig)

  4. A photograph of a demonstration in Darwin, Australia (90’s)

  5. A photograph of a demonstration in Darwin, Australia (90’s)

  6. Media Release: “East Timor: Catholic Prelate backs new peace plan” 24 May 1992. East Timor Talks Campaign.

  7. A photograph entitled, “London, UK” 1992 July 16th: Ann Clwyd MP leads members of the British Coalition for East Timor during the presentation of petition to 10 Downing Street. The petition asked the British Government tp cease arms sales to Indonesia and to press for a UN-brokered settlement for East Timor with East Timorese participation. Left to right: BCET Chairman Estevão Cabral, honorary secretary Jonathan Humphries and Maria Elena Arana.

  8. A page with four photographs entitled, “A bus trip from Amsterdam to Paris” 1992: Dutch, Indonesian, Moluccan and Pauan activists travel from Amsterdam to Paris to join a demonstration in Paris during the IGGI meeting, protest against Human Rights Violations in East Timor. Organized by Agir pour Timor.

  9. Another page with four photographs with the same description as above.

  10. Add on the Deaths & Births Announcements page of a national newspaper signed by 44 organizations and individuals in The Netherlands, amongst which are: students’ groups, women’s groups, church groups, solidarity groups that include groups active on Philippines, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Maluku and East Timor, journalists and members of European Parliament. “We wish strength for the people of East Timor to continue their struggle for the respect of human rights, including the right to self-determination.” 12 November 1992.

  11. A page entitled, “Lusitania Express” 1992: Peace Mission to East Timor. An Initiative taken by Portuguese solidarity activists, in reaction to the Santa Cruz Massacre, Dili, November 1991. Students from 21 countries headed for Dili by boat from Darwin. They told the media they wanted to and in East Timor without Indonesian visas, as to challenge the Indonesian sovereignty claims. The ship gained international media attention, and made it to within sight of Timor island before freed to turn back by Indonesian war ships. Although the Lusitania Express didn’t reach the Dili Harbour, the Peace Mission was a success. It publicly challenged the Indonesian authorities, it gained plenty media attention and it gave moral support to numerous Timorese who followed the news about the ship over the radio.

  12. A poem entitled, “Moonless night on the Gulf of Timor” by Jan Wimpel, Amsterdam.

  13. Letter to Her Excellency, The President of Ireland, Mrs. Mary Robinson from Emilia Pires, TAV President. 30 October 1992.

Sans titre

Various documents

This document contains twenty-eight separate document.

  1. A photograph entitled, “APET III, Bangkok” March 1998: The third Asia Pacific Conference on East Timor (APCET III) drew participants from all over the world.

  2. A page with two photographs. The first is entitled, “Bangkok, Thailand” 1998, March: Participants of the APCET Conference III. The second is entitled, “Bangkok, Thailand - APCET Conference III” 1998, March: Ms. Jean Inglis and Ms. Okazaki (Chairperson of the Japanese Diet Members Forum on East Timor)

  3. A photograph entitled, “APCET III, Bangkok” March 1998: Mica Barreto and Joaquim Fonseca.

  4. A photograph entitled, “APCET III, Bangkok” March 1998: Carlito Caminha and Andrew McNaughtan show the human faces of international solidarity.

  5. An email from Initiatives for International Dialogue with a document attached, entitled, “APCET statement on Habibie’s pronouncement on East Timor” June 11, 1998. | 2 pages

  6. “Third Asia Pacific Conference on East Timor: Final Statement” Bangkok, Thailand - March 6th, 1998. | 4 pages.

  7. A page with two photographs. The first is entitled, “Nagoya, Japan” 1998, June: Fernando de Araujo, who has just been released from Cipinang Prison, presents a lecture on Democratization in Indonesia and the East Timor issue. The second is entitled, “Nagoya, Japan” 1998, June: Fernando de Araujo, who has just been released from Cipinang Prison, presents a lecture on Democratization in Indonesia and the East Timor issue.

  8. A page with two photographs. The first is entitled, “Nagoya, Japan” 1998: Abe Barreto sings in Nagoya, after giving talk on the East Timor issue. The second is entitled, “Osaka, Japan” 1998, June: Indonesian activist Helmi Fauzi gives a lecture on Democratization in Indonesia and the East Timor issue.

  9. A photograph entitled, “Osaka, Japan” 1998, December: Mr. João Carrascaião speaks at a symposium at the Osaka Foreign Language University.

  10. A photograph entitled, “Osaka, Japan” 1998, December: Jose Manuel and Armindo Maia speak at a symposium at the Osaka Foreign Language University.

  11. A photograph from a protest concert at the Lansdowne Hotel, 1998

  12. A photograph at a Timor Rally at Martin Plaza in Sydney, November 1998.

  13. A photograph of Tuba Rai Metin built in Sydney, Australia. 1998.

  14. A photograph of another Tuba Rai Metin built in Darwin, Australia. 1998.

  15. A photograph of Tony and Veronica Mais with Veronica’s Tais that has names of Santa Cruz Massacre victims. 1998.

  16. A photograph of a Tuba Rai Metin built in Darwin, Australia. 1998.

  17. A photograph entitled, “Demonstration by the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France” 12 November 1998: Seven years after the Santa Cruz Massacre. The French solidarity people chose the location of the Eiffel Tower, because it is the national symbol of their country and because it is near the river called Seine. They marched from the Eiffel Tower to the bridge over this river, and then threw flowers in the water to commemorate the victims of Santa Cruz. Organized by Agir pour Timor.

  18. A photograph of protesters in front of the Indonesian consulate in New York, USA. 1998.

  19. A photograph entitled, “Revealing proof - House Office Building, Washington DC, USA” May 1998: ETAN revealed documentary proof that U.S. soldiers were continuing to train Indonesia soldiers in Indonesia, notwithstanding a Congressional ban on such training in the U.S. which had been in effect for the past six years. ETAN National Coordinator Charles Scheiner, Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, and ETAN Washington Representative Lynn Fredriksson gave a briefing to Congressional staffers and journalists. Following the outcry, the Pentagon suspended the Joint Combined Education and Training program for Indonesia: it was not resumed for many years.

  20. A photograph of two men protesting in the United States for Timor. 1998.

  21. A photograph of Freddy Gamage in Sri Lanka in 1998.

  22. A flyer entitled, “No more massacres in East Timor! Rally and March” to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the shooting of unarmed civilians at the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili, East Timor in November 1991 which led to the loss of 251 lives. November 14th,1998. Organized by the National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), AETA, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) and University Students for East Timor (USET)

  23. A flyer for a Demonstration to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. December 7th, 1998 at the Indonesian Consulate. Organized by the National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), AETA, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) and University Students for East Timor (USET)

  24. A letter written by Carlos Semedo, the President of Agir pour Timor. November 16th, 1998. | In French

  25. The autonomy debate: “Timorese political parties reject Indonesia’s special status” an article published in Timor Link. October 1998
    A program for, “Timor-Leste A Cominho Do Autogoverno E Da Autodeterminaćão” [Translation: Timor-Leste The Way of Self-Government and Self-Determination] Organized by the Organizing Committee of the Timor journeys of the University of Porto. 9 to 11 October 1998 | 2 pages, in Portuguese.

  26. Catholic Institute for International Relations’ Statement to the United Nations Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. New York, June 1998. | 2 pages.

  27. East Timor Human Rights Centre: “East Timorese Political Prisoners Progress Report” 15 October 1998. | 17 pages.

Sans titre

Australian government

Includes records of formal Australian government statements on the massacre and records re NGO meetings with Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans. Also includes transcripts of Australian parliamentary debates and the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee (March 1992).

United Nations

Some United Nations official fragments but also includes items from CNRM, East Timor News Agency, Amnesty International.

Various documents 4

Contains various documents such as letters, memorandums, faxes and press releases that were written or published in 1991. This file contains:

  • S. Con. Res. in the Senate of the United States November 14, 1991 (legislative day). Mr.
    Pell, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Cranston, Mr. Durenberger, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Kennedy, Mr.
    Murkowaki, Mr. Simon, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Levin, Mr. Riegle, Mr. Helms, Mr. Biden, Mr.
    Wofford, Mr. Akaka, and Mr. D’Amato, submitted the following concurrent resolution;
    which was reported by Mr. Pell, condemning the Massacre of East Timorese civilians by
    the Indonesians Military | 2 pp.
  • European body urges Ec States to cut off arms to Indonesia (22.11.1991) The Washington
  • “Timor: Europe Parl Resolution text” from Indonesia Publications/Task Force
    (2.11.1991) | 3 pp.
  • Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly - Order No. 470 on East Timor (1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Ms. Mary McGrory, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (28.04.1991)
  • Fax message for Sergio Regazzoni, CCFD from Arnold Kohen (11.06.1991)
  • Letter to Ms. E.M. Adjali, UMOUN from Arnold Kohen (19.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Mr. Jef Felix, Broederijk Delen from Arnold Kohen (05.03.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Yukie Ohta, Program Assistant of the Southeast Asia
    Program (12.07.1991)
  • Fax to Arnold Kohen from Miko Yamamoto (11.06.1991)
  • Receipt received from Arnold Kohen for Donaciano Gomes stay in Washington, DC
  • Fax message for Hilary Coulby, Oxfam from Arnold Kohen (07.10.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Tony Hall (19.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Jack Panozzo, CCODP from Arnold Kohen (07.12.1991)
  • Letter to the Hon. Bob Graham, United States Senate from Monsignor Bryan O. Walsh
  • Letter to Mr. J. Grimmond, International Editor of The Economist from the Rt. Rev. Paul
    Moore, Jr. (16.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (16.12.1991)
  • Letter to Mr. J. Grimmond, International Editor of The Economist from the Rt. Rev. Paul
    Moore, Jr. (18.12.1991)
  • Letter to Karl Meyer, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen (18.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Ms. Lee Arrowood c/o office of Senator Wallop from Arnold Kohen
  • Handwritten note to Arnold Kohen from Jean Inglis, Free East Timor Japan Coalition,
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (12.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Peter Gordon, Yorkshire Television from Arnold Kohen (21.12.1991)
    with attached comments made by Kohen | 4 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from the United Methodist Office for the United Nations
  • Letter to the Social Action Director from Arnold Kohen (10.10.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Toby of the Social Science Research Council (10.09.1991)
  • Fax message for Miko Yamamoto from Arnold Kohen (29.09.1991)
  • Fax cover sheet to Environmental Defence Fund, Attention to Korinna Horta from Robert
    Archer (21.01.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Mr. Irvin Horowitz, Obituary News, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen
  • Fax message for Ms. Ria Pugedo from Arnold Kohen (04.03.1991)
  • Fax message for Robert Archer from Arnold Kohen (20.03.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (02.09.1991)
  • Fax message for Bishop Paul Moore Jr. from Arnold Kohen (16.07.1991)
  • Fax message for Richard Barber, ACFOA from Arnold Kohen (29.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Amy Goodman or Allan Nairn from Arnold Kohen (13.11.1991)
  • Fax to Arnold Kohen from Michel Veuthey (11.12.1991) | 5 pp.
  • Letter to the Editor of the National Catholic Reporter from Noam Chomsky,
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (10.12.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Draft statement for Tony Hall (1991) | 2 pp.
  • Fax message for Lee Arrowood, c/o Sen. Wallop from Arnold Kohen (26.09.1991)
  • Fax message for Tom Quigley from Arnold Kohen (28.10.1991)
  • Letter to Ms. Hilary Coulby, Asia Desk from Arnold Kohen (12.08.1991)
  • Estimated Budget for twelve months, 1991-92, partial coasts of Special Humanitarian and
    Development Project (1991)
  • Telefax from Mr. Eugene Callahan, Administrative Assistant of the Office of Sen. Alan
    Dixon from Arnold Kohen (23.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Mr. Frank Monahan, Office of Government Liaison, US Catholic
    Conference from Arnold Kohen (18.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Sister Marian Dillon c/o Sister Grace Patrice Allen, Office for Human
    Relations from Arnold Kohen (25.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Ms. Hilary Coulby, Asia Desk from Arnold Kohen (22.08.1991)
  • Letter to Stephen Rosenfeld, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (28.04.1991)
  • Letter to Karl Meyer, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen (06.12.1991)
  • Letter to Stephen Rosenfeld, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (06.12.1991)
  • Fax transmission to Arnold Kohen from Peter Gordon, Yorkshire Television (1991) | 2
  • Fax message for Rev. Eduino Silveira from Arnold Kohen (23.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Bille Bachie from Arnold Kohen (12.09.1991)
  • Fax message for Ken Handelman c/o Sen. Metzembaum from Arnold Kohen
  • Fax message for Matthew Hersh c/o Sen. Dodd from Arnold Kohen (25.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Lee Arrowood from Arnold Kohen (25.11.1991)
  • Draft letter to the President, The White House (1991) | 2 pp.
  • Fax message for John Sharke, Foreign Desk from Arnold Kohen (25.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Sidney Jones from Arnold Kohen (09.12.1991)
  • Fax to Ms. Janis Budge, Press Secretary c/o Sen. Wallop from Arnold Kohen
  • Letter to Senator Frank Lautenberg, United States Senate from Patricia Natali, Executive
    Secretary (17.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Steve Alston, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (1991)
  • Fax message for Noam Chomsky from Arnold Kohen (1991)
  • Fax message for Noam Chomsky from Arnold Kohen (21.02.1991)
  • Letter to Ms. Cora Weiss, The Samuel Rubin Foundation from Arnold Kohen
    (28.12.1991) | 3 pp.
  • Fax message for Noam Chomsky from Arnold Kohen (1991)
  • Letter to Paul Moore from Arnold Kohen (15.10.1991)
  • Letter to Mr. Myles McCabe, Executive Director of Peace and Justice Commission,
    Archdiocese of Louisville from Arnold Kohen (16.10.1991)
  • Two pages for Lee Arrowood c/Sen. Wallop from Arnold Kohen (16.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Bishop Paul Moore from Arnold Kohen (09.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (16.10.1991)
  • Letter to Karl Meyer, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen (19.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (02.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Estrellita Jones, Amnesty International from Arnold Kohen (08.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Josh Rubenstein, Amnesty International from Arnold Kohen
  • Fax message for Tina, Office of Mary McGory from Arnold Kohen (23.04.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (01.05.1991) | 2 pp.

Sans titre

Various documents 6

Contains various documents such as letters, memorandums, faxes and press releases that were written or published in 1991. This item contains:

  • Fax message for Bishop Paul Moore from Arnold Kohen (08.10.1991)
  • Letter to General L.B. Moerdani, Minister of Defense and Security, Republic of
    Indonesia from Harold Maynard, United Engineers & Constructors (02.04.1991) and a
    reply | 2 pp.
  • “The 1992 Consultative Meeting in Solidarity with East Timor” (27.12.1991)
  • Handwritten notes by Harold Maynard (04/1991)
  • Letter to Prof. Noam Chomsky, MIT from Joao Boadvido, University of Oxford
    (17.10.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Short Statement of Proposed Study and Reasons for Coming to Oxford (02.08.1991) | 2
  • Multiple pages worth of articles about Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo (late 1991)
  • "Belo: Resistance should be involved in talks” (late 1991) | 24 pp.
  • Letter to M. Sergio Regazzoni, CCFD from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991)
  • Letter to Sally O’Neill, Trocaire from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991)
  • Letter to Mr. Jef Felix, Broederlijk Delen from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991)
  • Letter to M. Bernard Holzer, Secretary General CCFD from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991)
  • Letter to M. Rene Barreau, CCFD from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991)
  • Letter to Donnacadh Hurley, Trocaire from Arnold Kohen (14.08.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Steve Alston, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (13.08.1991)
  • Letter to Tom Johnston, CCODP from Arnold Kohen (13.08.1991)
  • Letter to Jess Agustin, CCODP from Arnold Kohen (13.08.1991)
  • Letter to the President of the United States from fifty two United States Senator
    (25.11.1991) | 5 pp.
  • Fax message for Father Francisco Fernandes from Arnold Kohen (19.08.1991)
  • Fax message for Drew Christiansen from Arnold Kohen (19.08.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Robert Beasley, Campaigns Coordinator of Amnesty
    International (03.08.1992)
  • Fax message for Victoria Forbes Adam from Arnold Kohen (04.08.1992)
  • Fax message for Hilary Coulby, Asia Desk from Arnold Kohen (07.01.1992)
  • Fax message for Arnold Kohen from Catherine Scott (18.09.1992)
  • Fax message fro Ms. Marie Lehneis c/o Bishop Murphy from Arnold Kohen
  • Fax message for Stephen Colecchi, Diocese of Richmond from Arnold Kohen
  • Email to Carl Trocky from Southeast Asian Studies (18.11.1991) Subj.: Timor news hard
  • Fax message for Sergio Regaxxoni, CCFD (22.04.1991)
  • Fax message for Ms. Hilary Culby, Oxfam from Arnold Kohen (22.04.1991)
  • Handwritten note for Martin Rendon from Arnold Kohen (30.04.1991)
  • Handwritten note to Arnold Kohen from The New York Times (25.04.1991)
  • Message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (11.05.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Handwritten note to Phil Shenon from Arnold Kohen (09.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Olga Fenning & Donnacadh Hurley from Arnold Kohen (15.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Mr. Donnacadh Hurley from Arnold Kohen (05.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (14.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Martin Rendon from Arnold Kohen (14.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (11.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Sergio Regazzoni, CCFD from Arnold Kohen (11.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Steve Alston, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (09.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (09.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (01.05.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Ms. Toby Alice Volkman, Social Science Research Council from Arnold Kohen
    (19.04.1991) | 2 pp.
  • The revised estimated budget for SSRC workshop on East Timor, April 1991, and related
    items & Budget Summary | 4 pp.
  • Message for Toby Volkman from Arnold Kohen (20.04.1991) Subj.: Timor Workshop
    Finance, Etc.
  • Letter to Ms. Toby Alice Volkman, Social Science Research Council from Arnold Kohen

Sans titre

Various documents 7

Contains various documents such as letters, memorandums, faxes and press releases that were written or published in 1991. This item contains:

  • Letter to Padre Cunha from Arnold Kohen, Korinna Horta (12.03.1991) [Portuguese]
  • Handwritten note to Donnacadh Hurley from Arnold Kohem (20.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Donnacadh Hurley, Trocaire from Arnold Kohen (29.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Clare Dixon, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (29.11.1991)
  • Fax message for M. Michel Veuthey, ICRC from Arnold Kohen (03.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Steve Alston, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (04.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Olwen Maynard from Arnold Kohen (19.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Kathryn Scott, CIIR from Arnold Kohen (19.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Steve Alston, EAPI from Arnold Kohen (19.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (09.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Mary McGrory from Arnold Kohen (09.12.1991)
  • Letter to Stephen S. Rosenfeld, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (05.12.1991)
  • Letter to Stephen S. Rosenfeld, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (18.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Ms. Amy Goodman and Mr. Allan Nairn (12.11.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen & Korinna Horta from CDPM (12.11.1991)
  • Handwritten note to Arnold Kohen from Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College (10.12.1991)
  • Letter to Stephen S. Rosenfeld, The Washington Post from Arnold Kohen (30.12.1991) |
    2 pp.
  • Fax message for Jess Agustin, CCODP from Arnold Kohen (07.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (06.12.1991)
  • Letter to Ms. Marjorie Pritchard, The Boston Globe from the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore Jr.
    (23.12.1991) with an attached speech | 4 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Frances Cosstick, Canadian Council for International
    Co-operation (09.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Senator Garth Evans, Foreign Minister from James Dunn., Foreign
    Affairs and Human Rights Columnist (11.02.1991)
  • Memo to Brenda and Paul Moore from Arnold Kohen (07.09.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Mr. Thomas MacGowan from Daniel Patrick Noynihan (18.02.1991)
  • Letter to Most Rev. P. Francis Murphy, Archdiocese of Baltimore from Edward
    Killackey (01.10.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Edward Doherty (02.12.1991)
  • Memo to East Timor Solidarity from Jose Ramos-Horta (30.09.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Memo to the Participants in workshop on East Timor, April 1991 from Toby Alice
    Volkman (16.10.1991)
  • Fax message for Andrew Hart, Office of Rep. Frank Wolf from Arnold Kohen
  • Letter to Karl Meyer, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen (25.11.1991)
  • Fax message for Shepard Forman from Arnold Kohen (10.12.1991)
  • The initial information was received on November 23 and November 25 from
    authoritative church sources in East Timor | 2 pp.
  • Handwritten note for Hannu Reime from Arnold Kohen (09.12.1991)
  • Fax message for Hilary Coulby from Arnold Kohen (03.12.1991)
  • Letter to the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore from Sally Lilienthal, President Ploughshores Fund
  • Fax message for Holly Burkhalter from Arnold Kohen (14.11.1991)
  • Message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (08.12.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to a Senator from James O’ Dea, Amnesty International (26.09.1991)
  • “Dear Colleague” letter from Pedro Pinto Leite (16.06.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Miko Yamamoto, Curator of Treganza Museum
  • Letter to Father Chico from Arnold Kohen (27.08.1991)
  • Memo to Richard Kessler, Senate Foreign Relations Committee from Martin Rendo
  • Fax message for Steve Alston, CAFOD from Arnold Kohen (15.08.1991)
  • Fax message for Martin Rendon from Arnold Kohen (15.08.1991)
  • Letter to Paul Moore from Arnold Kohen (12.08.1991)
  • Fax message for Dr. Peter Carey, Trinity College from Arnold Kohen (15.08.1991)
  • Letter to Bishop John S. Cummins, Diocese of Oakland from Arnold Kohen (15.08.1991)
  • Fax message for Catherine Scott from Arnold Kohen (15.08.1991)
  • Fax message for Father Francisco Fernandes from Arnold Kohen (27.08.1991)
  • Letter Ms. Chrissie Iles,, Museum of Modern Art from Dr. Peter Carey (24.05.1991)
  • Fax message for Steve Alston from Arnold Kohen (06.05.1991)
  • Memorandum for Toby Volkman from Arnold Kohen (1991) Subj.: Washington SSRC
    Workshop on East Timor
  • Message for Toby Volkman from Arnold Kohen (21.04.1991)
  • Preliminary list of invitees to SSRC East Timor Workshop
  • Welcome letter written by Arnold Kohen (24.04.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Mr. Karl Hutterer, Chairman on the Joint Committee on Southeast Asia Social
    Science Research Council from Mubyarto, Director (08.03.1991)
  • Fax message to Arnold Kohen from Toby (23.04.1991)
  • Fax message to Professor Karl Hutterer, Social Science Research Council from Dr. Peter
    Carey (19.02.1991)
  • Fax message to Dr. Leslie Gray, Southeast Asia Program from Dr. Peter Carey
  • Letter to Mr. Karl Hutterer, Social Science Research Council from Martin Rendon, Staff
    Director (04.01.1991)
  • Fax message to Arnold Kohen from Pat Walsh (26.03.1991) Subj.: East Timor seminar,
    Washington, DC (26.03.1991)
  • Memorandum for Brenda and Paul Moore (12/1991) Subj.: Washington SSRC Workshop
    on East Timor
  • Fax message for Martin Rendon from Arnold Kohen (24.04.1991)
  • Letter to Dr. Karl Hutterer, Social Science Research Council from Florentino C.
    Surmonto (12.04.1991) | 2 pp.
  • Fax message for Phil Shenon, The New York Times from Arnold Kohen (17.04.1991)
  • Fax message for Martin Rendon from Arnold Kohen (10.04.1991)
  • Letter to Tony Hall from Janet Mullins, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs
    (13.02.1991) | 3 pp.
  • Fax message for Paulette Geraud from Arnold Kohen (25.07.1991)
  • Letter to Arnold Kohen from Noam Chomsky (21.02.1991)
  • Letter to the Hon. Donald Riegle, United States Senate from Christine Doby,
    Coordinator, Peace & Justice (10.09.1991)
  • Fax message for Mr. Alvin Shuster, Los Angeles Times from David Hinkley (16.12.1991)
  • Letter to Mr. J. Grimmond from the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore Jr. (19.12.1991)

Sans titre

Various documents

Contains various documents such as letters, emails and press releases that were written or published in 1994.
The first page of the item has a list of every item included in the attachment.

Sans titre

1991 Newspaper articles

This item contains:

  • Indonesia urges Iraq to pull out of Kuwait (31.01.1991) International Herald Tribune
  • Quiet conquests (24.02.1991) Chicago Tribune | 2 pp.
  • Realism and Evil (06.12.1991) The New York Times
  • From Tiananmen to Timor (03.01.1991) The Economist
  • Indonesia is still oppressing East Timor (22.01.1991) The New York Times
  • Msgr. da Costa Lopes, East Timor Cleric, 72 [obituaries] (05.03.1991) The New York Times
  • Dom Martinho da Costa Lopes, Bishop of East Timor (05.03.1991) The Washington Post
  • Secret killing of a nation (07.04.1991) The Observer
  • Horrid silence over East Timor (19.11.1991) The Washington Post
  • Dead in East Timor (20.11.1991) The Washington Post
  • Tears in East Timor (21.11.1991) The New York Times
  • Indonesia’s ‘Tiananmen’ (09.12.1991) The Washington Post
  • Dead in East Timor (20.11.1991) The Washington Post
  • The Far East (18.10.1991) BBC Summary of World Broadcasts
  • Clinton shift on East Timor sends ripples around Asia (03.03.1993) The Guardian
  • East Timor has oil by Noam Chomsky (27.12.1991) National Catholic Reporter
  • Making an Issue of East Timor by Arnold Kohen (10.02.1992) The Nation | 3 pp.

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1993 Newspaper articles

This item includes:

● E Timor trial 'staged’ (02.02.1993) The Independent (London)
● Time to end an atrocity (20.02.1993) The Boston Globe
● Four House select committees face extinction (03/1993) The Washington Post
● If selects eliminated, House committees won’t have to cut (04.03.1993) Roll Call
● For the Record (04.03.1993) The Washington Post
● U.N criticizes Indonesia about East Timor (14.03.1993) The New York Times
● Timor’s untelevised terror (14.03.1993) The Washington Post | 3 pp.
● House G.O.P wins bid to trim staff (17.03.1993) The New York Times
● Superimposing frills on a provocative career (17.03.1993) The New York Times
● New torture charged against Indonesia (31.03.1993) The New York Times
● U.N. envoy going to Timor to assess role of Indonesia (01.04.1993) The New York Times
● Clinton shift on East Timor sends ripples around Asia (03.04.1993) The Guardian
● Indonesia troops seize rebel leader in Timor (06.04.1993) International Herald Tribune
● Famine on Capitol Hill (11.04.1993) Boston Sunday Globe
● Injustice in East Timor (18.04.1993) The Washington Post
● Fear still reigns on Indonesian Island (21.04.1993) The New York Times | 2 pp.
● Rough Puffs (22.04.1993) Far Eastern Economic Review
● A voice, often silenced, tells of East Timor’s fear (24.04.1993) The New York Times
● Velvet fist: Jakarta opts for subtlety in its efforts to subdue Timor (29.04.1993) Far
Eastern Economic Review | 2 pp.
● Death and the peacemaker (30.04.1993) The Guardian
● Indonesia’s silenced accuser (29.05.1993) The New York Times
● British jets ‘may be used on Timor rebels’ (11.06.1993) The Independent
● Hawk deal provokes human rights row (11.06.1993) The Guardian
● BAe wins 500m order from Indonesia (11.06.1993) Financial Times
● Overrunning human rights (15.06.1993) The Washington Post | 2 pp.
● Indonesia and Human Rights (09.07.1993) The Washington Post
● East Timor’s chance for peace (20.09.1993) Viewpoint
● Indonesia: Official response to Swedish MPs’ comments on East Timor: Bishop of Dili
Speaks (27.09.1993) BBC Summary of World Broadcasts
● A mortgage of conscience come due (18.10.1993) Our Sunday Visitor | 2 pp.
● A different message to Jakarta (01.11.1993) The New York Times
● Indonesia Military allowed to obtain training in U.S. (08.12.1993) The New York Times
● Closed eyes on East Timor (1993)
● Muffled voices: As Suharto tumbled, East Timor experienced a frisson of free speech -
tempered by the fear of return to the usual pogrom (July/August 1998) Index on
Censorship | 5 pp.
● East Timorese want their conquerors out (07.03.1993) The New York Times
● A leading Asian colonialist (05.12.1992) The Washington Post
● The cemetery called East Timor (25.09.1992) The New York Times
● Realism and Evil (06.12.1991) The New York Times
● Torture worsens in Timor: bishop (13.02.1993) The Age (Melbourne)
● Dili Bishop speaks of arrest and torture of Xanana Supporters (13.02.1993) BBC
Summary of World Broadcasts
● Time to end an atrocity (20.02.1993) The Boston Globe
● Rough Puffs (22.04.1993) Far Eastern Economic Review
● A voice, often silenced, tells of East Timor’s fear (24.04.1993) The New York Times
● Indonesia’s silenced accuser (29.05.1993) The New York Times
● Indonesia and Human Rights (09.07.1993) The Washington Post
● Successes marred by a failure (13.07.1993) Herald International Tribune
● United States: Timor Concern (16.07.1993) Far Eastern Economic Review
● East Timor bishop in U.S. to plead for human rights (27.07.1993) Catholic Voice
● Official response to Swedish MPs’ comments on East Timor; Bishop of Dili Speaks
(27.09.1993) BBC Summary of World Broadcasts
● A different message to Jakarta (01.11.1993) The New York Times
● A figure of courage in the midst of East Timor’s agony (17.11.1993) The Age
● Arena Magazine: Imagining ‘east timor’ by Benedict Anderson | 6 pp.

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East Timor: A People Shattered by Lies and Silence

East Timor: A People Shattered by Lies and Silence
by A. Barbedo de Magalhães, Professor of the University of Oporto, Portugal and Coordinator of the Symposia on Timor of Oporto University


  1. At the East Timor scale, it's a veritable holocaust, with more than 40% of the whole people eliminated during the first six years of the occupation.
  2. An annexation in the name of regional stability and defence of the Free World, in a moment of panic motivated by the Soviet expansionism
  3. The oil and other economic interests and even religious factors also influenced the process.
  4. Twenty years later, instead of working in order to put an end to the dramatic consequences of their errors many politicians try to keep them under the shadow of lies.
  5. In reality, East Timor was occupied by the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, The Vatican, Japan and other powers, through Indonesia. Indonesia was not much more than executor of a policy that interested the West.
  6. Portugal initiated a process of decolonization that supposed a consultation of the Timorese people, but Indonesia succeeded in interrupting it.
  7. The relative abandon of Portugal and the comparison with the position of Spain towards Western Sahara.
  8. Facing all interest and forces involved, the actors in the field - both Timorese and Portuguese - were not much more than mere figurines
  9. It was based in lies that Indonesia created the instability and prepared the invasion.
  10. In order to make sure that those lies would not be exposed, the Indonesian regime did not hesitate to murder all the journalist present in the territory, and the government of the western powers silenced those crimes.
  11. In order to assure a complete silence, also the international humanitarian agencies were forbidden to enter in the territory.
  12. With the help of the Australian Government who captured the only retransmission radio that, from the Northern Territory, communicated with the Timorese Resistance, the information black out was almost complete during thirteen long years.
  13. With no information on the Media, governments of the occupying powers and theirs representatives could lie freely.
  14. With the public opinion asleep, even the Media lost interest in the question: East Timor, no one even knows where that is... East Timor does not sell... East Timor is not news...
  15. The courage and the intelligence of some newsmen prevented the Santa Cruz massacre to be another ignored and forgotten massacre.
  16. To report what goes on in East Timor and to demand responsibilities to the governments for the murder of journalists, the sales of arms and the political coverage they give to the occupying power are some of the ways to defend not only the Timorese but also Freedom itself and the international law.

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Human Rights Violations in East Timor

TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic content

Item consists of a publication produced by the East Timor International Support Center around 1997. It documents human rights violations which took place in East Timor during Indonesian occupation.


  • Warning
  • Introductions by Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Bishop Hilton Deakin, Chairman of the East Timor Human Rights Centre
  • Background on Human Rights in East Timor:
    -Summary of Human Rights in East Timor
    -The East Timor Human Rights Centre: excerpts from the 1996 Annual Report
    -Amnesty International: excerpts from various reports
    -The United Nations Human Rights Commission: Resolution on East Timor, May 1997
  • Photographic Evidence:
    -Photos of human rights violations from the early 1980s
    -Photos from the period of famine - 1979 to 1982
    -Photos of violations from the mid 1980s till 1991
    -The 'Dili massacre' in 1991
    -Torture and murder in East Timor after 1991
  • Conclusion

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Various documents 3

This document contains letters, press & media releases and reports written between 1975 and 2000 by AFFET.

It contains:

  • Letter to Dr. Jose Luis Gomez, Ambassador of Portugal from Gina Roncoli, Lois Randall & Francisco Vidinha (31.10.1991) | 7 pp.
  • News Briefs - Gabinete de Informaçāo da Fretilin: Indonesians form in East Timor Intimidations’ Groups (09/1991) | 3 pp.
  • Email from Rob Wesley-Smith that includes a Media Release entitled: “Anzac Day - wear black for East Timor” written by Susan Connelly (04/1999) | 2 pp.
  • A flyer entitled: “Why target Paul Keating? East Timor Week” which describes Paul Keating’s role in the Australian ALP governments and was Prime Minister for more than 2 years. 'He has been party to their immoral decisions to breach the UN Charter and Human Rights Declarations', it includes Australia’s history over East Timor - highlights (15th - 21st August 1994)
  • A flyer for “East Timor Week” with the program for the whole week (Monday 15th - Sunday 21st August 1994)
  • East Timor Coalition - Darwin - Media Release: “Torture details of boats people asylum seekers show the realities for East Timorese in Operassi SAPU RATA (‘eliminate’), the current Indonesian military offensive.” (27/10/1995) | 2 pp.
  • East Timor Coalition - Darwin - Media Release: “Summaries of tortures of 3 recently arrived East Timorese asylum seekers” (27/10/1995) | 4 pp.
  • East Timor - Media Release: “Urgent Update on East Timor State of Siege” (13/10/1995) | 2 pp.
  • East Timor - Media Release: “Statement on Religious Conflicts in East Timor” written by Jose Ramos-Horta (10/1995) | 3 pp.
  • “East Timor - my country of birth ad heart” by Cesarina Rocha (06/1996) Human Rights Solidarity AHRC Newsletter | 3 pp.
  • Open letter from Alarico Jorge Fernandes, Minister for Information and national Security of the Democratic Republic of East Timor to Indonesian Soldiers & Indonesian People. Broadcast on Radio Maubere on 04/03/1977.
  • Australians for a Free East Timor - Press Release: “Evidence Accumulates Against Indonesian Brutality East Timor” written by Rob Wesley-Smith (05/02/1994) | 3 pp.
  • Flyer entitled: “Welcome to East Timorese victims of Indonesian bloody aggression” with numbers and the history of the invasion in East Timor (09/1979)
  • “The Body Count” (02/1995) The Independent Monthly | 2 pp.
  • Letter to the East Timor Supporters written by Allan Nairn from New York (12/1994) | 2 pp.
  • United Nations Secretary General Report: “Questions of East Timor - Progress report of the Secretary-General” (16/09/1994) | 2 pp.
  • Letter to Darwin TV mainly from Rob Wesley-Smith (13/04/1994) Re: Ads, Amnesty, Artists for East Timor
  • “Will Indonesia Listen?” New York Times editorial, 19 September 1994, published on the International Herald Tribune on 20 September 1994
  • “Revealed: Timor cover-up” The Sydney Morning Herald (24.08.1994)
  • “Encontros in Southeast Asia” by Tony Haynes, Cultura, (Spring 1993) | 2 pp.
  • Flyer entitled: “Selamat Datang di Arfura Games” an Indonesian flyer that writes about the horrors of what had happened in East Timor (05/1993) | Indonesian
  • The National Council of Maubere Resistance Media Statement: “East Timor Indonesian sea patrol stepping up” (31/07/1995)
  • “Death Numbers - Troop Numbers in East Timor” written by Rob Wesley-Smith, Australians for a Free East Timor, Darwin (26.01.1997) | 2 pp.
  • “Arndits spin on Balibo Deaths” written by Rob Wesley-Smith (20.01.1997) | 3 pp.
  • “One story of torture in East Timor” written by Antonio Pinot Govela, one of the Timorese People (26/10/1995) | 2 pp.
  • “Testimony before the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization” presented by Ms. Eleanor Hoffman, Australians for a Free East Timor - New York (23.07.1996) | 5 pp.
  • Letter to Sr. Presidente da Comissāo dos Direitos do Homem (Mr. Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights) from Chefe das Falintil (Head of Falintil) written on March 13th, 1997 | 3 pages in Portuguese
  • “A Falintil commander reports - a brief overview of the military situation” written by Commander Dai Tula, East Timor: To Resist is to Win, (12/1993)
  • “How Reebok exploits its Indonesian workforce” written in the TAPOL Bulletin, (04/1994)
  • “Fretilin Peace-Plan” This is the plan that Fretilin presented to the Indonesian Government its Pland for Peace whose application would guarantee respect for the rights of the Maubere People and their freely expressed will and a possibility for other countries interested in the East Timor problem to follow the process. (written in 1983, published in 1984)
  • Email from Martin Broek called “Finland asks for protest letters: Arms Trade to Indonesia”, it contains: Protest letters to the Finnish Government on arms trade (08/03/1996)
  • “Bishop Belo’s visit to Darwin, Cassette launch” by Rob Wesley-Smith (3-7/ 12/1993) | 4 pp.
  • “East Timor invasion anniversary feature” A detailed feature about the history of East Timor up until 1982 | 11 pp.
  • “Xanana” written by Louise Crowe. She looks at the life of the man now facing criminal charges of rebellion and the possession of illegal weapons. His trial attracted international attention. (Fall 1993)
  • Statement by Bill Hayden, MP - Leader of the Opposition (20/01/1978)
  • “Rejection of Fretilin Leader’s visa” written by Bill Hayden, MP (09/01/1978)
  • Remembering the Santa Cruz Massacre (12/11/1991) : “Message for heroic East Timorese People" by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate (09/11/1995)
  • Letter to Wes from Shirley Shackleton (no date)

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The East Timor Issue and the Symposia of Oporto University


  • East Timor: Interrupted Decolonization of a People with its Own Identity
  • East Timor in the United Nations and the Portuguese Position Until 1986
  • 1986, A Turning Point
  • The First Symposium on Timor of Oporto University - September 1989 - and the Consolidation of Nationalist Convergence
  • II Symposium on Timor of Oporto University - April-May 1990: - Strengthening Hope, In Spite of Difficulties
  • III Symposium on Timor of OU - May 1991 - Or the Appeal to the Vatican for a More Coherent Commitment to the Defense of the Human and National Rights of the Timorese
  • IV Symposium on Timor of OU - April 92 - and the Santa Cruz Massacre
  • V Symposium on Timor of OU - July 1993 - From the Arrest of De Maximum Leader of the Maubere Resistance, Xanana Gusmào, to Cooperation with Indonesia Democrats
  • The Asia/Pacific Conference on East Timor (APCET), which took place in Manila - from 31 May to 4 June 1994
  • The Iserlohn Conference - 30 September to 2 October 1994 - and the Development of German Solidarity with East Timor
  • VI Symposium on Timor of OU - 4 October 1994 to 26 March 1995 - Portuguese Universities take on a Growing Commitment and Propose a Grater Degree of Internationalization

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 183