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Gabinete dos Assuntos de Timor

  • Instelling
  • 1980-

Established in Portugal by exiled members of the UDT Party [To be confirmed]


East Timor Action Network

  • Instelling
  • 1991-present

ETAN-US was formed in 1991 after the Santa Cruz massacre, and became the major US solidarity coalition. It published Network News, later renamed as Estafeta (Tetun for "messenger" or "courier"). Based in the New York area, it had chapters throughout the United States and for a time, a lobbying office in Washington. Key figures include Charles Scheiner, Lynn Frederickson, and John Miller.

ETAN/US self-description at

Agir pour Timor (France)

  • Instelling
  • 1980s-90s

One of two solidarity groups formed in France, active 1980s-90s.
Key figure: Bruno Kahn

East Timor Talks Campaign

  • Instelling
  • 1990s

The East Timor Talks campaign was an ad-hoc group formed to call for a Timorese-Indonesian dialogue process. Founded by Pat Walsh, Herb Feith and others, it was based in Australia, but also operated internationally.

Initiatives for International Dialogue

  • Instelling
  • 1988-present

Note provided by organization, original at

About IID
Established in 1988, the Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID) is a Philippines-based advocacy institution promoting human security, democratization and people-to-people solidarity. IID conducts policy advocacy and campaign programs on Burma, Mindanao, Southern Thailand, West Papua, and East Timor. It established the Asia-Pacific Coalition for East Timor (APCET) in 1994 that spearheaded a regional people’s solidarity movement for the then occupied nation. In 2000, it established the Mindanao Peoples Caucus (MPC) – a platform and network of grassroots organizations, communities and NGOs affected and engaged in the conflict in Mindanao. MPC meanwhile established the “Bantay Ceasefire” (Ceasefire Watch) a network of civilians in the conflict areas monitoring the implementation of the official ceasefire agreement between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). And together with other peace networks, IID led the establishment of the Mindanao Peaceweavers (MPW), the broadest peace network for Mindanao in the country and currently serves as its secretariat.

IID is also the secretariat of the Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC), Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict – Southeast Asia (GPPAC-SEA), and the Free Burma Coalition (FBC) –Philippines. IID is a co-founder and steering committee member of the Alternative ASEAN Network for Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma) and the World Forum for Democratization in Asia (WFDA); a working group member of the Burma Partnership (BP) and was a lead member of the National Organizing Committee of the Philippine Parliamentarian Caucus on Democracy in Myanmar. IID is also Founding Steering Committee member of the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP).

IID anchors and serves as the secretariat of Asian Circle 1325, a loose network of women partners in the region from conflict-affected areas, that promotes the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. It is also a founding member of the national network on women, peace and security called WE Act 1325 (Women Engaged in Action on UNSCR 1325).

IID’s network and coalition-building thrust reflects its grounded and broad presence in both the macro (regional, international) and local (MPC, MPW) arenas.

Networks and Linkages

The networks and linkages IID have established or become a part of reflects the breadth and depth of IID’s engagement in varying levels and arenas– be they local, national, regional or global. IID plays a key role in most of these networks being the secretariat of GPPAC-SEA, MPW, APSOC, Asian Circle 1325, FBC-P; its Executive Director elected as Co-Chair of GPPAC and as a founding Steering Committee member of WFDA, SAPA, ALTSEAN, and ICRtoP.

IID is also active in BP as a working group member, in the annual ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC) that shadow the ASEAN summits, a convenor of the Waging Peace Philippines and Kilos Kapayapaan at Katarungan (KILOS- Act for Peace and Justice), which is currently the broadest network of peace-builders in the country.

Pacific Peoples Partnership

  • Instelling
  • 1975-present

Note provided by the organization, original at

Pacific Peoples’ Partnership: Four decades of Pacific action

Pacific Peoples’ Partnership has been a guest upon Lekwungen territory for over forty years.

Our organization was born during a time of widespread social concern over nuclear testing in the Pacific. A small group of North Americans were motivated to act in solidarity with Pacific Island communities. They came together in 1975 to establish the South Pacific Peoples’ Foundation (SPPF), which would one day be known as Pacific Peoples’ Partnership.

A Canadian solidarity partner of the Independent and Nuclear Free Pacific Movement, SPPF’s relationships in the South Pacific accelerated with anti-nuclear activism, Indigenous empowerment movements, and the beginnings of environmental networking. SPPF carved out its niche at the forefront of a movement toward placing Indigenous community knowledge and leadership at the centre of development efforts. The organization also helped cultivate Canadian awareness of the complexity and cultural diversity of the South Pacific.

It was no small undertaking to raise the profile of Pacific issues. Most Pacific Island states had slowly achieved their independence only to find themselves either entirely ignored by the international community after WWII. Canadian foreign policy makers generally assumed there were no problems in the South Pacific—or, if there were, Australia and New Zealand would handle them. Over time, SPPF demonstrated that Pacific issues warranted more Canadian attention and that Canadians could have a positive impact in the region.

SPPF became just what it set out to be—the Canadian organization superbly knowledgeable about and connected with the Pacific Islands.

At the same time, SPPF was also situated in the territories of the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. Over many years, the remarkable similarities between the pressures on Indigenous communities in the North and South Pacific became increasingly apparent.

SPPF embarked on a creative new initiative: Indigenous youth internships in the Pacific Islands. At the same time, SPPF was also working with Indigenous communities in Papua, the Indonesian-administered half of the island of New Guinea. This shift in focus beyond the South Pacific fuelled much soul-searching about the work SPPF was being called to do.

After much reflection, the more inclusive name Pacific Peoples’ Partnership (PPP) was unveiled, embracing our unique emerging role as a leader in North-South Indigenous linking. Since then, many cross-cultural exchanges of artists and youth have helped articulate a wider and more participatory vision in the development of Indigenous Pacific communities.

PPP’s forty year history is a testament to our strong vision and commitment to making an impact with our Indigenous partners. In many ways, the South Pacific is still forgotten in an increasingly globalized world. Yet with rising sea levels and climate change, this region needs the world’s attention now more than ever.

And so, as the only Canadian NGO dedicated to the peoples of the South Pacific, PPP is more committed than ever to keeping these islands on the map.

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